The Timeout Parameter

The timeout parameter tells the API how long it should try to verify an email before giving up and returning an unknown result code. The total request time can exceed this timeout, as network latency is not taken into consideration. This can be helpful when verifying emails at the point of entry to prevent long wait times for your users.


Usage Guidelines

Please be sure to review our usage guidelines for the API here.


Handling Aliases

When verifying emails that contain aliases that use a + character extra consideration needs to be taken when encoding these for x-www-form-urlencoded content-types. Make sure this character is being encoded as %2B, as the + character is treated as a non-breaking space when the string is decoded.

Result Codes

The result property contains a string that correlates to a result codes listed int the table below. For detailed information about result codes visit our help docs or click the "Learn More" links next to the result codes below.

Result CodeDescription
validVerified as real address. Learn More
invalidVerified as not valid. Learn More
disposableA temporary, disposable address. Learn More
catchallA domain wide-setting, also known as Accept-all (Unverifiable). Learn More
unknownThe server cannot be reached. Learn More


The flags will give you additional information that we discovered about the domain during verification. Below is a list of common flags you may encounter.

has_dnsThe input has one or more DNS records associated with the hostname.
has_dns_mxThe input has mail exchanger DNS records configured.
bad_syntaxThe input given doesn't appear to be an email.
free_email_hostThis email is registered on a free-mail host. (e.g:,
role_accountThis email is a role-based email address (e.g: admin@, help@, sales@)
disposable_emailThe input given is a disposable email.
government_hostThe input given is a government email.
acedemic_hostThe input given is a acedemic email.
military_hostThe input given is a military email.
international_hostINT designated domain names.
squatter_hostHost likely intended to look like a big-time provider (type of spam trap).
spelling_mistakeThe input was misspelled
connect_failsUnable to connect to remote host.
accepts_allRemote host accepts mail at any address.
contains_aliasThe email address supplied contains an address part and an alias part.
contains_subdomainThe host in the address contained a subdomain.
smtp_connectableWe were able to connect to the remote mail server.
spamtrap_networkHost is affiliated with a known spam trap network.

Suggested Correction

These are soft suggestions that may correct common typos such as "" or "".

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!